Category Archives: Prayer


As I was praying for a particular situation a few weeks ago, the Lord spoke two words to me: Truth and Light. He told me to pray for those two things in that current circumstance. As I did, my understanding was opened to how those two words were indeed the answer.

Each of these words have a magnitude of power resident within themselves, but together they are dynamite! I soon began to pray for truth and light in every area of my life and my world.

When light is allowed to shine upon something, the cover of darkness is removed. It is then and only then that truth can be revealed. And what’s so great about truth? Well—the truth will set us free! Truth that is known, understood and acted upon will set men free from the lies of the enemy of God who dwells in darkness and desires that all of us dwell in darkness with him.

I recently challenged each of us to pray for ourselves that God would open our eyes, ears, mind and spirit to whatever we need to know that we currently do not know.  Remember—we don’t know what we don’t know, and we can’t see what we can’t see. Let that soak in.

In Jeremiah 33:3 the Lord tells His people to “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

Truth and light come to us when we seek to know what God is doing behind the scenes—that which is not in clear sight or hearing.  

Truth and light are our only hope if this nation is to survive the current crisis. If truth and light do not prevail, our American way of life will be lost. It will be unrecoverable when it is declared that America is no longer a capitalist nation with individual freedoms of speech, religion, the right to bear arms, and a two-party democracy. If that happens, and it is totally possible, it will be because we the people did not seek for truth and light.

Once again, I ask us all to pray that God will open our eyes, our ears, our minds and our spirits to whatever we need to know that we currently do not know. Christians around the world are praying with us and for us! Surely we can pray for ourselves.

The Word of God is always the basis for truth, and Jesus Himself is the light of the world. Simply ask yourself what does God’s Word say and what would Jesus do?

Dear Ones, if God’s people seek for truth and light—God will give it!