Category Archives: The Last Days

King of the World

If only we could turn off the blaring problems around the globe like we turn off the television set, we would likely give a big sigh of relief. There are certainly plenty of issues that cause us to fear—such as war, turmoil and hatred reaching explosive levels in many countries. But isn’t this what we’ve always thought the “last days before Jesus comes back” would look like?

Regardless of our political or religious differences, we can all agree that these are serious times. We generally look for someone on the main stage to stand up and say, “Don’t be afraid! I know what to do. Everything will be alright.” Yet, like me, you could believe that most politicians are untrustworthy; true leaders with character and courage are scarce; and what is terrifying is called good, and what is good is called terrifying.

I can’t help but share with you some amazing words that I came across just this morning. They are perfectly fitting for today!  I believe our faith in God will be refreshed and encouraged as we find instructions for what to do in times like these. Naturally, they come from God’s Word—the Words of Life—as found in Psalm 96. The Passion Translation is just that—passionate about the person being described for us.

 Psalm 96 ~ King of the World

“Go ahead—sing your new song to the Lord! Let everyone in every language sing him a new song.

Don’t stop! Keep on singing! Make his name famous! Tell everyone every day how wonderful he is. Give them the good news of our great Savior.

Take the message of his glory and miracles to every nation. Tell them about all the amazing things he has done.

For the Lord’s greatness is beyond description and he deserves all the praise that comes to him. He is our King-God and it’s right to be in holy awe of him.

Other gods are absolutely worthless. For the Lord God is Creator-God who spread the splendor of the skies!

Breathtaking brilliance and awe-inspiring majesty radiate from His shining presence. His stunning beauty overwhelms all who come before Him.

Surrender to the Lord Yahweh, all you nations and peoples. Surrender to Him all your pride and strength.

Confess that Jehovah alone deserves all the glory and honor. Bring an offering and come celebrate in his courts.

Come worship the Lord God wearing the splendor of holiness. Let everyone wait in wonder as they tremble in awe before him.

Tell the nations plainly that Yahweh rules over all! He is doing a great job, and nothing will disrupt him, for he treats everyone fair and square.

Let the skies sing for joy! Let the earth join in the chorus. Let oceans thunder and fields echo this ecstatic praise until every swaying tree of every forest joins in, lifting up their songs of joyous praise to him!

For here he comes, the Lord God, and he’s ready to judge the world. He will do what’s right and can be trusted to always do what’s fair. ~ Psalm 96:1-13 (TPT)

While it looks as though the whole world is in disarray, take heart. King Jesus will be coming soon to set up His kingdom on earth! Never doubt that He will put all things in order when He comes. We could say, “He will square things up!” The bizarre nonsense will disappear, and King Jesus will reign in peace, truth and righteousness. What is good will be called good, and what is evil will be called evil, as judged by the King Himself.

Victory days are just ahead for all true followers of Jesus Christ! I hope and pray that you are one of them. If so, go ahead and give that big sigh of relief, and then share the good news in this psalm with your friends and family. If you’re not a follower of Jesus Christ, tell a Christian friend or acquaintance that you’d like to meet Him. They will be happy to introduce you to the true King of the World!

~ Sarah Jane

The Most Overlooked Story of Christmas

The Christmas story comes to us in all shapes and sizes, yet it is always a warm reminder of why we celebrate the season. As the whole world sat in darkness, mankind was utterly unable to help ourselves. And then—Jesus came for us! His coming would change the course of human history as God’s Son became our Savior-Redeemer. So, it is perfectly fitting for us to rejoice at the Babe in a manger, Mary and Joseph, star-struck shepherds, dazzling-white angels, and wise guys from afar. But wait! Isn’t there a part of this miraculous story that is mostly overlooked?

Just eight days after the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph took him to the temple to fulfill Jewish Law. That is where something miraculous happened: “At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. The Holy Spirit was upon him and had revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. That day the Spirit led him to the Temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required, Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God.” (Luke 2:25-28)

But there was yet another surprise waiting for the young couple: “Anna, a prophet, was also there in the Temple….she lived as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God….She came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem.” (Luke 2:36-38)

These seem like strange events, since we naturally think the religious leaders would have been the ones to recognize the Son of God—but not so. They missed Him completely, while the quaint elderly man and woman got it right! How could this be? Apparently, Simeon and Anna knew what had been foretold about the coming Messiah, and thereby recognized the signs accompanying His birth. Their eyes beheld what they already knew in their hearts.

And what about us? Isn’t our world filled with strange events? As the days grow darker, does it not seem as though we cannot help ourselves? If we read what the Bible foretells about the days before Jesus comes the second time, we might recognize signs that describe this very generation (Matthew 24). Are we alert to the signs in our time? Are we watching and waiting as Simeon and Anna were, or are we more like the religious leaders—mostly blind to the day that is upon us? As we celebrate this joyful Christmas season with our family and friends, may we share the good news that Jesus is coming for us—again!

“Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door!” (Matthew 24:32-33 NLT)

Christmas Blessings to all ~ Sarah Jane Kellogg

A Christian’s Greatest Challenge in Today’s World

A Christian’s greatest challenge in our world today is to hear God’s voice above all other voices. There are many voices out there, but here is a list of things we need every day in order to survive as Christians and to live godly lives. Without them, our personal space and place would be in disarray and our sanity greatly challenged. I purposely placed each one on a line by itself to give us time to ponder the deep meaning each one has for us. I cannot imagine a world without the voices of God. See if you can.

The voice of truth

The voice of freedom

The voice of righteousness

The voice of reason

The voice of wisdom

The voice of life

The voice of mercy

The voice of forgiveness

The voice of hope

The voice of love

The voice of joy

The voice of peace

The voice of patience

The voice of kindness

The voice of goodness

The voice of faithfulness

The voice of gentleness

The voice of self-control

The voice of triumph

I fear that we have taken for granted the goodness of God. We have simply thought that America would always be free and decent. That is the very reason millions flock to our nation every year. Yet today, we are living in a very different America. Ungodly voices have been allowed to rise to a near unbearable roar, attempting to shut down any opposition whatsoever. Our children’s future is at stake, while even common sense has been pushed aside.

The Word of God tells us that the last days will be evil. Friends, those days are upon us here and now, and we must not be deceived by the voices of the Evil One. We can no longer depend on others to keep us informed. Therefore, when voices arise that promote death, deceit, destruction, hatred, cruelty, lawlessness, turmoil, fear, murder, theft, intolerance, perversion, false accusations, injustice and anger, we must be aware that these voices are not of God.

As Christians we love to quote the wonderful promise God gives us in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (NLT)

My personal belief is that that verse of scripture is not talking about when we get to heaven. God has always intended for man to have a good life right here on planet earth, and for those men and women, and even nations, who have loved God and followed His teachings, a good life has been experienced.

Yet today, the plans some have for our beloved USA are not the plans God promised us. His plans are always good, whole, healthy, kind, peaceful and loving. We must not be deceived.

Oh, be careful little ears what voices you listen to today! Your very life and freedoms depend on it. Blessings to all ~ Janie

A New Church Emerging ~

For decades there has been much division in the church—we are divided into various denominations, sects, and beliefs even when we use and follow the same Bible. Today, Americans are also deeply divided politically. We are divided into various parties, races, and convictions even when we use and follow the same American creed. And where does division come from—the evil one. A house divided will not stand. Our great enemy knows that better than we do, else we would fight against division.

Yet, we have embraced the division rather than seek to eliminate it. We follow our parents & grandparents lead, yet those denominations and parties of our forefathers are not what they used to be. Corruption has sprouted in the highest levels of government, academia, and religious organizations. The grab for power and money have blinded many great leaders, and today we are far away from the best intentions of spreading freedom, winning the lost, and bringing God’s kingdom to earth.

We are all guilty of participating in the “my group has it right” mentality. This group-think mindset has caused us to believe that if everyone thought like we think, it would somehow be a perfect world. But GOD is in the process of shaking EVERYTHING. Your beliefs; my beliefs. Your convictions; my convictions. Your doctrines; my doctrines. Your way of thinking; my way of thinking.

When we only promote our religious affiliation and political party, we are guilty of causing division, even if we don’t want to believe it. Jesus said, “Whoever is not against us, is for us.” I sometimes believe our handed-down beliefs are so engrained that we will never be able to forsake them. But I see the mighty hand of God calling His children to join together against the evil that has been unleased around the world. What we mutually believe about the Cross of Christ outweighs everything else!

This is what I see on the horizon: A new church emerging right in front of our very eyes. It is the Bride of Jesus Christ. She has a wedding to get ready for and currently she is NOT ready. Why? Because of the DIVISIONS among us!

In Joshua 5:13-14 Joshua asked the Commander of the Lord’s Army: “Whose side are you on—ours or our enemies?” He replied, “NEITHER!” Let that soak in for a minute. Do you know how peace happens? When both sides lay down their weapons, guns, arrows, etc. A better description for us might be to lay down our words, ridicule, accusations, pointing of the finger, or name calling. Could we even be guilty of calling “evil” that which God has called “good?”

If we, dear Christian brothers and sisters, are going to save our nation from destruction, we must lay down our weapons against the Body of Christ. Let’s face the truth: We have work to do. We have changes to make. We have battles to fight and win. It’s high time we come together and prepare ourselves for the grandest wedding in all of history!

Blessings to all ~ Janie


As I was praying for a particular situation a few weeks ago, the Lord spoke two words to me: Truth and Light. He told me to pray for those two things in that current circumstance. As I did, my understanding was opened to how those two words were indeed the answer.

Each of these words have a magnitude of power resident within themselves, but together they are dynamite! I soon began to pray for truth and light in every area of my life and my world.

When light is allowed to shine upon something, the cover of darkness is removed. It is then and only then that truth can be revealed. And what’s so great about truth? Well—the truth will set us free! Truth that is known, understood and acted upon will set men free from the lies of the enemy of God who dwells in darkness and desires that all of us dwell in darkness with him.

I recently challenged each of us to pray for ourselves that God would open our eyes, ears, mind and spirit to whatever we need to know that we currently do not know.  Remember—we don’t know what we don’t know, and we can’t see what we can’t see. Let that soak in.

In Jeremiah 33:3 the Lord tells His people to “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

Truth and light come to us when we seek to know what God is doing behind the scenes—that which is not in clear sight or hearing.  

Truth and light are our only hope if this nation is to survive the current crisis. If truth and light do not prevail, our American way of life will be lost. It will be unrecoverable when it is declared that America is no longer a capitalist nation with individual freedoms of speech, religion, the right to bear arms, and a two-party democracy. If that happens, and it is totally possible, it will be because we the people did not seek for truth and light.

Once again, I ask us all to pray that God will open our eyes, our ears, our minds and our spirits to whatever we need to know that we currently do not know. Christians around the world are praying with us and for us! Surely we can pray for ourselves.

The Word of God is always the basis for truth, and Jesus Himself is the light of the world. Simply ask yourself what does God’s Word say and what would Jesus do?

Dear Ones, if God’s people seek for truth and light—God will give it!

See yourself on the winning side

I have come to realize by experience that if we don’t see ourselves on the winning side during these difficult days before Jesus comes for His church, we will be weak and fearful. Anxiety will overwhelm us. Doubt and insecurity will wreak havoc with our faith. In short—we will not be well. I suspect there are multiplied thousands, if not millions, of us who already fit this description.  

People all over the world have experienced the agonizing effects of COVID-19. In the United States, we are just beginning to see what damage the lockdowns alone have done—especially to the young and the old. My heart breaks as I think of the vulnerable children who are locked inside their homes with angry, depressed, and perhaps abusive parents or relatives. And my heart breaks equally as much for what has happened to the elderly.

Yesterday, I saw a Facebook post about the residents in a nursing home in Colorado who staged a protest to the lockdown. They were outside, lined up in wheelchairs and holding signs that said, “We’d rather die from COVID than to die from loneliness.” It is shameful what has happened to them.

Even before the onset of the pandemic, I had determined to prepare myself mentally, spiritually, and emotionally for the last days. You don’t have to look very hard to find a description of the last days in God’s Word (Matthew 24; Luke 21), and let’s face it—those days won’t be easy. I began asking God to lead me to books, people and programs on Christian Networks that would strengthen my faith.  

God has clearly answered that prayer. I have watched my faith grow and my confidence flourish. Powerful truths in God’s Word that I have known for 40 years began to come alive in my spirit once again. Apparently, I had stifled and stuffed down those truths because I was afraid if I voiced them or taught them, I wouldn’t be “politically or doctrinally correct.” I asked the Lord to forgive me, and today I no longer care whether or not I am considered correct by the world’s standards.  

Now before you criticize me, perhaps you have done the same thing. Haven’t we Christians toned down our beliefs on sin, so we won’t be out of touch with our culture? Aren’t we afraid to speak our true feelings about certain issues that cause division? Yep, it seemed best not to take a stand. And what we see today is a wanning church reaping the results of preaching a “weak gospel.”

Last week I spent two full days praying about one particular situation. During the early hours of the first day, I heard God speak to me: “Truth and Light. Pray for truth and light.” I began doing that very thing. Throughout the day, my eyes began to open to what a huge difference those two words could make in the situation for which I was praying. Next, I began applying those two words in other situations. It eventually became very clear: Truth and light could make a huge difference in every aspect of our lives—our nation, schools, churches, families, jobs, health, faith—in fact, our everything!

My friends, we desperately need TRUTH AND LIGHT in our world. There is distrust everywhere we turn. We clearly have a “trust” issue. COVID has taught us to not trust what our government is saying, what doctors are saying, and what scientists are saying. Politicians have deceived us. Our nation’s history is being torn down and destroyed before our eyes. Clearly, what is good is now called evil, and what is evil is now called good.

The Lord has spoken many encouraging things to me in the past few weeks. The words “truth and light” have exploded on the pages of my journals. God has shown me the “lies” that have been taught down through the ages deceiving millions of people, including God’s very own people. I will share these things with you in my future posts. But between then and now, I ask you to do three things:

1) Dare to believe that God is for you. He is not against you.

2) Begin to see yourself on the winning side during this unprecedented time in which we live. Jesus told us these days would come so we could be ready.

3) Pray that God will open your eyes, your ears, your mind and your spirit to whatever you need to know that you currently do not know.  

Pray this prayer for yourself: Dear God, in these strange and unsettling days, I desperately want to believe that you are for me and that I am on the winning side. I ask you to begin right now to open my eyes, ears, mind and spirit to whatever I need to know that I currently do not know. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~ John 8:32

Blessings to all ~ Janie

In a World Gone Amuck!

“This world has gone amuck,” was a phrase that came to mind as I prayed for my nation during my morning walk with God. Amuck means to behave in a wild, frenzied, uncontrolled, and unrestrained manner. In short, it means: berserk!

In case you haven’t noticed, we live in a world that has gone berserk!

There seems to be no rhyme nor reason for the destruction going on in many American cities. Policemen are shot point-blank while sitting in their cars, just because they are policemen. The word is called “lawlessness,” and we are clearly told that lawlessness is a sign of the end times.

I have recently ordered three books on the subject…and all three say the same thing. On Sunday I watched my favorite television preachers…and all three said the same thing. I communicated with several friends last week…and all three said the same thing. I told one of them that I’d see her in the rapture. Her response was: “Grab my hand on the way up!” I smile as I think of the nearness of that possibility.

Are we listening? Are you listening?

This is what I heard from writers, preachers, friends, and family members that I respect: We are living in the last of the last days when Jesus Christ will return to earth to gather His people. According to the signs that define this hour as clearly laid out in the Bible,1 it is this time. Everything is in place. Everything points to the next big event on the world stage to be the return of Jesus for His church. And this next big attraction is coming soon!

Remember when we were kids and we played hide and seek?  The person who was doing the seeking would hide their eyes, count to ten, and then holler out, “Ready or not, here I come!”

Could that be Jesus’ words to us—the residents of the world in 2020, during this strange season with everything about life turned upside down: “Ready or not, here I come!”

Oh, dear readers, please be sure you are ready for Christ’s return! If you think this world is gone amuck and berserk right now, it can’t compare to what it will be when the Holy Spirit of God, dwelling in the hearts of believers, is removed from this world. When believers leave here in the rapture of the church, the Holy Spirit goes with them.

A lawlessness will be unleased that the world has never known. What we see on our television screens today will seem like child’s play. Amuck and berserk will take on new meaning as the Anti-Christ is unleashed while no longer hindered by the church and the Holy Spirit. The Bible says in those days that men’s hearts will fail them because of fear.

If you have a cell phone, a television, a computer, or any other device with the ability to inform you what is going on in this current day, even now reading my blog, you can never say that you didn’t know what was happening. No excuse will hold up in God’s court that claims you couldn’t get prepared for the upcoming events because you didn’t know what was happening.

It is here! The Bible tells Christians that when you see these things happening, then look up for your redemption is near! What things? The things that are happening this very day: Lawlessness; deception; peace accords! It is near, my dear readers, it is here! (Luke 21:28)

If your heart feels disturbed because you are not sure if you are ready for this hour, then do something about it. Talk to God. It’s not too late! Ask Him to show you what you must do to be ready for His coming.

You have many options—call a Christian friend or co-worker; find a pastor; call a church; call a TV ministry helpline; call a Christian parent or grandparent; leave me a comment on my blog. God has many, many helpers waiting to help YOU find HIM!

All you have to do is reach for help, and God will meet you in this moment of need and insecurity. He longs for you to call out to Him. His desire that no one be lost is the very reason for the delay of Christ’s return.2

Apart from God there is NO peace in a world gone amuck! And this world has unquestionably gone amuck! ~ Janie

1Matthew 24:1-51; Luke 21:7-36; 1 Thessalonians 4:13 thru 5:11

22 Peter 3:9


Another Spiritual Dream ~ What Does It Mean?

I have never put much emphasis on spiritual dreams, mostly because I never had any—until a year ago when I dreamed about the rapture of the church.1  But a few months ago, I had yet another spiritual dream. I knew instantly it was from the Lord and had meaning I should not ignore. I’m sure some will think I’m weird or ate too much Tex-Mex for dinner. Still, I feel the message is too important not to share.


In this dream, I was in a familiar place with no cause for alarm. My twelve-year-old granddaughter was with me in what I believed to be a safe place. However, I began to notice a questionable force moving toward me; and within seconds I knew I was in trouble. As I tried to fight off the attacker, I discovered that I had little strength. I kept saying to myself, “Why don’t I have any power? Where has my strength gone?”


When I saw an opportunity to run outside the building, I did. I ran as hard as I could—again questioning why I had such little strength. I finally stopped to catch my breath, looked back, and saw that the pursuer was not following me. It was in that moment when a gut-wrenching realization came to me—I had left my granddaughter behind. She was now in the presence of the attacker and I was not there to help her. At that point, I woke up with my heart pounding inside my chest.


There was no small stir in me, and immediately I ask the Lord what the dream meant. God was faithful to reveal its meaning. I will attempt to relate that meaning to you by addressing the different components of the dream.


First, the familiar place in the dream is reflective of the modern-day church as a whole, not singling out any group, church or denomination. What I thought was a safe place was actually not safe; but because it was familiar to me, I was oblivious to the danger. This speaks of where the modern-day church is in relation to our nation’s declining culture. For any of us who have lived in the 21st Century, we should clearly know by now that some organizations and institutions we once thought safe for our children, are actually not safe at all.


We have been tolerant of accepting the ways of the world into our own church culture. In short, we have become worldly. We have been lulled by years of complacency and trusted ourselves to hierarchical systems that tell us what we should read and believe. We no longer know how to hear from God for ourselves. We rarely, if ever, hear sin preached against from modern-day pulpits—but rather how to have the happiest life possible while on our way to heaven.


Secondly, my granddaughter represents the next generationsour children and grandchildren. They are right there with us. They are watching us and trusting our judgment. They believe we are doing what is in their best interest. And why shouldn’t they? The teachings and programs of the church have worked for us, why wouldn’t it work for them? The next generation has no clue whether it is safe or not, and sadly, they have not been taught to seek God for themselves.


As Christians, we find ourselves in this vulnerable situation because we have been asleep. We refuse to hear any doctrine except our brand. We criticized the movement of God in any group other than our own, thereby offending the Holy Spirit. As a result, we have lost our strength, and we wonder where it has gone. The culture around us has declined to a dangerous point, and because we participate in group-think mentality—we are confident that our group is okay. Of course, we know what God wants, and of course, we have correct doctrine. We refuse to look outside our religious box to see where we are and what is happening around us.


As current events rock our world with a pandemic, a faltering economy, protests and lawlessness flowing into our homes through our television sets, we could think this is the end-time shaking the Bible speaks about. “This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain.” (Hebrews 12:27, NLT) I suspect that “all” includes modern-day churches and modern-day denominations.


If we believe this describes the day in which we live, perhaps it is time to pray: “God, have I been asleep? What do You want to say to me and show me during this time? What about my life is out of sync with You and Your Word? Have I been guilty of group-think and not sought You and You alone? In these unusual and critical days, give me eyes to see and ears to hear. For the sake of my children—wake me up!”


Rest assured, those are words our Heavenly Father longs to hear from His complacent children. But don’t take my word for it. Ask Him for yourself. Lean in closely to hear His voice. Allow the Holy Spirit to rend your heart. At that point, a good old-fashioned time of repentance might be in order. You know, that word we have dismissed as non-essential for the church—R.E.P.E.N.T.


God’s message is clear. A good place to begin is 2 Chronicles 7:14. That four-step pathway to God is something we all can do: humble ourselves, pray, seek, and turn. And, if the leaders of your group/church/denomination tell you that you don’t have to repent of your sins or seek God for yourself, you should probably check things out. And if you decide to run, remember to take your children with you. ~ Janie Kellogg

1“What Has Happened to the Rapture of the Church” at

What Has Happened to the Rapture of the Church?

Have you ever wondered what has happened to the Rapture of the Church? I certainly have, and I have also questioned whether Christians today even believe that Jesus is coming back at all.

For most of my life, the message of Jesus Christ coming for His church was alive and well. I remember on Easter Sunday morning in 1973 when our church choir sang the popular Gaither song, The King Is Coming. Only the choir knew that a skilled trumpeter was strategically perched in the balcony, and at just the right moment he would blow the trumpet. It was a stirring event to say the least!


Then there was that perfect red heifer born in the mid-80’s that confirmed the Jews would soon be offering sacrifices in the Temple. And who didn’t read the best-selling Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins? First published in 1995, the intensity of the message was clear: Jesus is coming soon, and if you’re not ready, you will be left behind!

For decades stories circulated through the church attempting to tie current events to the coming of Christ. Things like a government assigned number could eventually become the mark of the beast. This caused many to be leery of social security numbers, direct deposits and credit cards—basically anything that had a number. Another story was the increasing population of vultures in the Middle East that was surely a sign of the approaching Battle of Armageddon. On and on they went—one unnerving story after another.

For years I struggled with too little faith to believe that Jesus would save me, so preaching on the rapture was a frightening thing. However, when I was born again at age twenty-three, my fear of the rapture subsided. My faith had grown and I was able to believe that Jesus would do what He said: For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.”1 It’s been a love affair with my Savior ever since, and I began looking forward to His coming.

Over forty years later, we are still bombarded with stories about four blood moons, ginormous earthquakes and tsunamis. I don’t keep up with which Biblical prophecies have being fulfilled and whether the signs match what Jesus said would signal His return in Matthew Chapter 24, but it does seem like it could be just around the corner. After all, the fig tree is in full bloom. There’s a whole lot of shaking going on, since everything that can be shaken is now shaking. The world is clearly in a quagmire of muck as some kind of crazy has replaced common sense. There are plenty of wars and rumors of more, while mankind has sunk to a new low on God’s moral scale. Today, you don’t have to look very far to see that evil is called good; and good is called evil. Surely it can’t be long until the Father says, “Son, go bring my children home!”

Has non-stop media coverage of world events numbed us from the realness of what we once believed? Have too many books been written suggesting the rapture isn’t Biblical after all? Could it be that modern-day preachers no longer expect Jesus to return and thus do not preach it? Has the long delay nullified Jesus’ words, or maybe the Lord has forgotten His promise? Not. Even. Remotely!

The Bible is clear: The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.”2

Jesus gave us a clue about the timing of His coming: Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!”3 Did you see what I saw—at the doors?

A few nights ago I had a dream that lasted perhaps only a few seconds, yet it was very real nonetheless. In the dream, I was asleep in my bed when awakened by a strange sense of being pulled upward. A suction-type force was swirling all around me, as if I were wrapped in it. I wasn’t afraid at all, but remember having a smile on my face and a sense of joy deep inside. I calmly thought to myself—this is it…this is the rapture! Then the sensation ended and I attempted to tell someone what had happened to me. I explained like this: “I just experienced the rapture!”

The next morning I wondered what might be the purpose of my strange dream. Had I been given a brief preview of that amazing moment when the power of Holy Spirit will draw the Redeemed upward towards heaven? Could Jesus be giving us a heads-up of His soon return? Could it be that Jesus actually is—at the doors?

The best advice I know is the words of Jesus Himself: Now when all these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near!”4

Personally, I believe Jesus IS coming back soon! Are you ready for that amazing moment? ~ Janie Kellogg

Jesus is coming soon

1Romans 10:13 (NKJV); 22 Peter 3:9 (NLT); 3Matthew 24:32-33 (NKJV) 4Luke 21:28 (NKJV)


Have You Decided Yet Which Side You Are On?

If you think the chaos surrounding the 2016 Presidential election is unprecedented, you are not alone. We find ourselves grappling with the questions: Who do we believe? Who do we trust? Which candidate has the right answers? If it were not so incredibly serious, it would be laughable. I have been interested in politics all of my life, and almost tried out for the debate team as a senior in high school. You’ll notice I said almost. Today, I struggle to even watch what is happening.

When I was just a little girl, my dad would say that if Americans don’t wake up soon, the time will come when the electorate will be deceived, their freedoms taken away, and civilization reduced to two groups—the elite and all the rest of us. He fully believed this would lead to a future one-world government. The only possible way God-fearing, freedom-loving people would fall for such a scheme would be to promise them a better life, give them something for nothing, and convince them that others are responsible for their unhappiness.

I believe that time is here. The continual shift away from our Judeo-Christian values and the decline of moral fiber in our society signal a change we may not have intended. While Americans currently seem to be at a pivotal point, they are perhaps waking up too late. The sleeping giant may well find that “the land of the free and the home of the brave” has unsuspectingly slipped away from us.

While politics are an important part of our American culture, they are not the supreme power nor do they have the final say in our destiny. God does. He always has. While discussing the dismal condition of our nation with family members, I simply said: “I think it’s time to figure out what kingdom you belong to and set your hopes on it.” Everyone agreed. I know which kingdom I belong to and it is not of this world. In fact, I am a stranger and a pilgrim here.1 I belong to the Kingdom of God where He reigns supreme; and my greatest hope lies in praying that His kingdom will come and reign on earth, just like it does in heaven.2

If you are banking your hopes on this world, you’re going to be sadly disappointed. This war that is brewing on earth isn’t going away and it isn’t going to end well. In fact, it will become too horrible for God to keep His chosen ones here,3 and He will come to snatch us out of it.4 All hell is going to break loose because God said that He will shake everything that can be shaken.5 The lies of Satan, that great deceiver, will be exposed, and those who have followed him will see the error of their way.6 Unfortunately, at that point it will be too late for those who have ignored God.

I know that political party roots grow deep, just as mine do, but I would challenge us all to take a much broader look at what is currently happening. As the battle lines are being drawn, do not mistake this for the usual rise and fall of the most popular political party of the day. Party affiliation has nothing to do with it. What you and I are witnessing on our television screens is the war between good and evil, between the spiritual powers in the heavenlies, between God and Satan. This is a great battle for the souls of men—and that could mean yours, if you have not yet decided which side you are on.

Personally, I fear that our streets could soon erupt into lawlessness, our cities explode with rioting, and our government could fall before our very eyes. We are at a crucial point in history as the stage has been strategically set for our nation to implode from within. A house divided against itself cannot stand.8 I hope and pray none of this happens; but just in case my fears are justified, now is the time to decide which kingdom you belong to—God’s kingdom or Satan’s kingdom. The final decision is upon us. ~ Janie Kellogg

Theoden: I will not risk open war.

Aragorn: Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Key Scripture: For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation. ~ 2 Corinthians 6:2

1Hebrews 11:13; 2Luke 11:2; 3Matthew 24:21-22; 41Thessalionans 4:16-17; 5Hebrews 12:25-27; 62 Thessalonians 2:8-12; 7Revelation 12:12; 8Mark 3:25