Category Archives: Poetry

Take a Look at Dad ~

    “What is God like?” I asked—a question I long have had.

    God’s answer was a simple one: “Just take a look at Dad.”


    God made Dad in His image; their qualities are the same.

    Both have given life to me; both have given me their name.


    Dad took the time to talk to me; he was always there.

    Just like my Heavenly Father, when I go to Him in prayer.


    Dad provided for my earthly needs, whether big or small.

    When God’s eye is on the sparrow—not one of them can fall.


    Dad stood as my protector; he shielded me from harm.

    While God keeps His children safe, in the shelter of His Arm.


    Dad’s voice was sure and strong, yet as gentle as can be.

    Reminds me of that still small voice, when God speaks to me.


    My Dad showed me how to live; and he taught me to obey.

    Much like God’s Word that leads me, to the truth, the life, the way.


    Dad provided me an earthly home, a shelter from the cold.

    God promised me a heavenly one, on streets of purest gold.


    Dad is leaving me an inheritance; in his earthly wealth I’ll share.

    Like the riches of God’s Kingdom, of which I am an heir.


    Dad loves me with a Father’s love, no matter what I’ve done.

    And God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Son.

    Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful Dads on earth and in heaven. We love you ~ Janie

Where Was God?

[In memory of September 11, 2001, I am posting a poem that I wrote a few days after the most horrific attack ever on American soil. I think the words of my poem will bring back many of the emotions we all felt that dreadful day. May we never forget.]


Where was God? The skeptics asked

Amid the terror, amid the blast

Does He not see? Does He not care?

Make no mistake, God was there.


Aboard hijacked planes, a flying bomb

Fearful hearts embraced a calm

Of final fate left unaware

Make no mistake, God was there.


Horrors unlike the world had known

Such evil men, such hatred shown

Lives were lost, still more were spared

Make no mistake, God was there.


Heroes rushed to help a brother

Sacrificing life to save another

The labels gone we used to wear

Make no mistake, God was there.


Smoke poured forth from towers tall

In disbelief we watched them fall

While evil thought our soul lay bare

Make no mistake, God was there.


What once was grand, was no more

Two cities scarred, resembling war

Compassion felt beyond compare

Make no mistake, God was there.


Another scheme of intended crime

Ill-fated flight, but not this time

Brave men fought back with courage rare

Make no mistake, God was there.


An historic day, unmatched, unseen

A plan too cruel, a plot too keen

Fanned freedom’s fires most everywhere

Make no mistake, God was there.


Time stood still those long dark days

On bended knee a nation prays

Our strength sustained the pain we shared

Make no mistake, God was there.


Devastation hurled, but we’re not crushed

We still proclaim “In God we trust”

Our hope renewed despite despair

Make no mistake, God was there.


Our leaders strong, our spirits high

With pride Old Glory adorns the sky

Our faith revived, our walls repaired

Make no mistake, God was there.


Our foes we’ll find and justice bring

Again we fight to let freedom ring

When victory’s won we will declare

Make no mistake, God was there.


~ Janie Kellogg, September 2001

Just an Earthen Vessel ~ a poem

Just an earthen vessel
Made of common clay.
Seemingly no value,
Nor beauty to display.

Youthful years have vanished
Like the morning dew.
Dreams shattered—visions gone;
No purpose left in view.

A vessel marred within, without;
Cracked and weathered from abuse.
Set aside to be discarded,
Of no apparent use.

Yet in His time the Master came
And held this vessel in His hand.
He had made it for a purpose
That would fit into His plan.

He looked on with great delight
At its grace and at its charm.
For the pain that wrought such beauty
Caused the Master no alarm.

With His power He filled this vessel,
Then placed a rose within.
Soon it began to grow and bloom,
Bringing glory unto Him.

“This is a vessel of honor,”
The Master clearly stated,
“When it fulfills the purpose
For which it was created.”

“I have a plan for every vessel,”
Hear the Master say.
“That the power of My Spirit
Fills each vessel made of clay.”

We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the power may be of God and not of us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 ~ Janie Kellogg

Other related posts at Treasure in Earthen Vessels, “Graduation, Life, and Clay Pots,” May 14, 2013

Since Self is on the Throne

“Take up your cross and follow Me,”

I heard the Master say.

But denying myself to answer Your call,

Is a price too high to pay,

Since Self is on the throne.


Love my enemies; bless those who hate;

Pray for those who spitefully use me.

Surely, Lord, You don’t require that,

For much too vulnerable I’d be,

Since Self is on the throne.


Forgive one another as Christ forgave me;

Your Word says this is a must.

But I was treated too unfair to ever forgive.

So You’ll not ask that of me, I trust,

Since Self is on the throne.


To him who strikes me on the cheek,

I’m to offer the other side.

Surely this doesn’t mean what it says.

Why, my “rights” would be denied,

Since Self is on the throne.


Be kind and tenderhearted one to another;

Your Word teaches this, ‘tis true.

But to esteem others better than myself

Is much too difficult to do,

Since Self is on the throne.


You say I should learn to be content,

Regardless of my state.

Yet I’m striving to get ahead in this world,

For doing without I hate,

Since Self is on the throne.


On earth You made Yourself no reputation,

And that I can’t understand.

When worldly wisdom drives me on

To be all that I possibly can,

Since Self is on the throne.


There is no profit to gain the whole world,

If my very own soul I lose.

But dying daily seems barbaric to me.

Is there some other plan I can choose,

Since Self is on the throne?


I’m told in everything give thanks;

Grateful I’m supposed to be.

But Lord, can’t You see, this is not about You,

For this is all about ME,

Since Self is on the throne.  ~ Janie Kellogg


Note: Also see Treasure in Earthen Vessels, “Who’s the Boss,” March 6, 2013

A Special Someone on Valentine’s Day

It is good to love someone, and it is good to be loved by someone.

It is good to hold someone, and it is good to be held by someone.

It is good to cherish someone, and it is good to be cherished by someone.

It is good to have someone special, and it is good to be special to someone.

It is good to have someone as your sweetheart, and it is good to be someone’s sweetheart.

It is good to care for someone, and it is good to be someone who is cared for.

It is good to share your heart with someone, and it is good to have someone share their heart with you.

It is good to dream someone’s dreams, and it is good to have someone dream your dreams.

It is good to know the depth of someone’s soul, and it is good to have someone know the depth of your soul.

It is good to help someone make life’s decisions, and it is good to have someone help make the decisions in your life.

It is good to forgive someone’s faults and failures, and it is good to have someone forgive your faults and failures.

It is good to soothe someone’s heartache, and it is good to have someone soothe your aching heart.

It is good to put your arms around someone who is afraid, and it is good to feel someone’s arms around you when you are fearful.

It is good to bear the pain of someone who is hurting, and it is good to have someone bear your painful hurt.

It is good to hold someone’s hand when life is difficult, and it is good to have someone hold your hand in difficult times.

It is good to live life with someone, and it is good to have someone live life with you.

It is good to be one with someone, and it is good to have someone be one with you.

For God had said, “It is not good that man should be alone,” so He made for him a special someone.


Appreciate the “special someone” that God has given to you this Valentine’s Day.  ~Janie Kellogg



In the beginning God made the world, and said that it was good.

All things worked in perfect order, just as He knew it would.

To be sure His creation was complete, God looked all around.

But in all that He had made for man, a helper was not found.



God decides to make a helpmate, who’ll be the Mother of mankind.

He’ll create her with rare qualities, like jewels hard to find.

Loving-kindness will crown this woman, which so carefully He will make.

He knows that He must make her strong, for the times her heart will break.



This woman will wear many different hats; be everything to everyone.

She’ll tenderly care for her family, from the time her day’s begun.

Her role will be an unselfish one, as she gives herself to others.

But then that is what God expects, of those He will call Mothers.



Bearing children will be her greatest task—carry a body inside her own.

Yet God will give her sacrificial love, which comes from Him alone.

She will rock a crying child to sleep, and dry each tiny tear.

She’ll know how to comfort a little one, whose heart is filled with fear.



Her gentle kiss will soothe the hurts, and help to make them well.

She’ll bake them homemade cookies, and bedtime stories tell.

At night she’ll tuck each child in bed, and teach them how to pray.

And tell them of God’s perfect love, so they will never stray.



The family chauffeur she will become; between siblings, a referee.

She’ll be asked to help with homework, when she is too tired to see.

With nightlight on she’ll be waiting up, as her teenagers start to date.

And prayer will become her closest friend, when they stay out too late.



She will help her children to succeed, as she gives to them her best.

With pride she’ll stand to cheer them on, as each one leaves the nest.

They’ll grow up and call her blessed, and this will be rightly so.

She’ll have given them great values; taught them most all they know.



This special creation that God did make, has blessed the entire earth.

For nothing else that He created, compares to a Mother’s worth.

Her qualities are unsurpassed—her patience, her love, her smile.

So in His vast eternal wisdom, God gives a Mother to every child.  ~Janie Kellogg