Tag Archives: Holy Spirit


A note from the author: Few people realize what is waiting for them days, weeks, months, and even years after a loss. It’s strange how others attend the funeral and then quickly move on with their lives. That is not the case for close family members. To survive they need fresh air, fresh surroundings, and certainly, fresh hope. So, let’s tackle loss and loneliness with some fresh ideas. ~ Sarah Jane

1.  Defining A Survivor: What does that look like?

“A person alive after an event in which others have died,” is how the Oxford Dictionary defines a survivor. The word alive is quite an optimistic description of a person who feels so much not alive after a tragic event. It is true when someone we love dies, our emotions can range from total numbness to having no desire to live, or perhaps even considering suicide. I think rather than using the word alive, the person could better be defined as “someone still breathing,” and even that is a bit of a stretch.

The word aloneness brings its own mixed bag of emotions as well. Survivors often crave to be alone; yet in attempting to live again, they find themselves alone much of the time. That is where God’s promise to never leave us or forsake us is a powerful antidote to the rejection one feels who has survived, even though they may wish they hadn’t. Antidote means a cure, a remedy, or a solution. Isn’t that we are searching for—a way to break the grief and sorrow off our lives? How would you describe what needs to be broken off your own life—the thing for which you most need an antidote? (This doesn’t have to be about the loss of a loved one.)



2. We Are Not Alone In Our Grief

For our scripture reading, we are going to start with a story found in the book of Ruth, a small four-chapter book sandwiched between Judges and 1 Samuel. Let’s begin with Ruth 1:1-5.

Ruth 1:1 ~ In the days when the judges ruled in Israel, a severe famine came upon the land. So a man from Bethlehem in Judah left his home and went to live in the country of Moab, taking his wife and two sons with him. 2 The man’s name was Elimelech, and his wife was Naomi. Their two sons were Mahlon and Kilion…. And when they reached Moab, they settled there. 3 Then Elimelech died, and Naomi was left with her two sons. 4 The two sons married Moabite women. One married a woman named Orpah, and the other a woman named Ruth. But about ten years later, 5 both Mahlon and Kilion died. This left Naomi alone, without her two sons or her husband.

For starters, do you see why Naomi might feel “not alive” and “alone?” How does one lose their entire family in just five short verses? Certainly, Naomi had a full license to grieve, feel sorry for herself, and have no desire to live. But a child of God is never without hope. God always has a plan and Noami’s story will prove that to us.

The full story is contained within the four chapters of the book of Ruth, and it is well worth reading. However, I am going to point out a few choice verses that helps us gain an understanding of the pain and grief that gripped Naomi’s heart.

Ruth 1:6-13 ~ Then Naomi heard in Moab that the Lord had blessed his people in Judah by giving them good crops again. So Naomi and her daughters-in-law got ready to leave Moab to return to her homeland…. 8 But on the way, Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go back to your mothers’ homes….9 May the Lord bless you with the security of another marriage”.…13 Things are far more bitter for me than for you, because the Lord himself has raised his fist against me.”

Orpah takes Naomi’s advice and returns to her family back in Moab. But Ruth commits to going on to Judah to be Naomi’s family and serve Naomi’s God.

Ruth 1:19-21~ So the two of them continued on their journey. When they came to Bethlehem, the entire town was excited by their arrival. “Is it really Naomi?” the women asked. 20 “Don’t call me Naomi,” she responded. “Instead, call me Mara, for the Almighty has made life very bitter for me. 21 I went away full, but the Lord has brought me home empty. Why call me Naomi when the Lord has caused me to suffer and the Almighty has sent such tragedy upon me?”

Is it just me, or do you hear hopelessness in Naomi’s words? What else do you hear?




I truly feel her grief and believe that she is burdened down with it. Could we safely say that Naomi needs an antidote? __________

As you finish reading this beautiful story of Naomi and Ruth, you will discover that God absolutely had an antidote awaiting Naomi in her homeland. God’s plan included a family-redeemer or kinsman-redeemer named Boaz who buys the land owned by Naomi’s husband from her. Along with redeeming the land, he was required to marry Ruth. Naomi soon has a grandson, Obed, sitting on her lap that she cared for as her own. He grew up to become the father of Jesse, who was the father of King David. In short, Naomi’s grandson was in the royal lineage of Jesus. I think it is safe to say that Naomi was indeed a survivor!

3. What To Do When God Goes Silent

The devastation that occurred in Naomi’s life may have been told in five short verses of scripture, but her story played out in real time as years upon years of sadness, sorrow and lack of hope. Perhaps our trials in life will never be anything like what Naomi endured, but we will have our share because Jesus Himself told us clearly, “In this world you will have tribulation.”

For me personally, I struggle the most when it seems as though God goes silent and I am left to handle things by faith and trust alone (as if those two aren’t mighty weapons in our arsenal). I suppose that we all prefer for God to hold our hand, put His arm around our shoulder and say, “Come to me and I’ll fix all of this for you.” But that is not how it works in this world. Faith and trust are great companions, yet they don’t always include the warm fuzzy feelings we’d like to have.

If you are a fan of the Devotional Book “Jesus Calling,” by Sarah Young, you are well acquainted with reading words that are written as though God Himself said them. I want to use that same “first person” approach with the following paragraph. My goal is that you can hear what God would say directly to you about feelings.

“My Child, feelings come and go. They are subject to good days and bad days, sunshine and rain, life and death, wealth and poverty. Yet, My Word is not subject to anything. My Word will stand forever and you can trust it throughout all eternity. So don’t try to tie me down to responding to your feelings. I respond to those who know My name, hear My voice, and trust that I will do what I say I will do. Feelings are not a part of the walking-by-faith process. Trust must always be your response, even to My silence. We can work together with that combination: My trustworthiness and your trust in Me.” ~ God

I hope that this paragraph spoke clearly to your heart, because there are powerful truths within it. Feelings, especially good ones, have their place; yet they are never a good measuring stick for how God deals with His children.

4. Becoming A Survivor Is Always a Choice

The most helpful thing we can do for someone struggling to survive the aftermath of tragedy (including yourself) is to give them hope. We must all have hope, even in small things. Hope that the sun will come up tomorrow. Hope that this too will pass. Hope that God cares about me. God’s Word is full of hope and we can share it in tender, loving ways. We can all encourage one another with hope.

God doesn’t call all of us to be counselors, but He does call all of us to be encouragers. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “So encourage each other and build each other up….” Being an encourager is our role in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We can also encourage ourselves, which will be covered in Chapter 9.

Giving hope and encouragement doesn’t have to be expensive, because in reality, what hurting and lonely people need most is love, friendship, and compassion. Understanding someone’s condition of loss and loneliness is the greatest gift you can ever give to them. And, remember to give yourself some compassion, too!

List some of the ways we can bring hope and encouragement to each other. While prayer is certainly a good answer, let’s try to think outside the box of our ordinary ideas. Remember, God has a reputation of goodness. Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life….” What might you pull out of God’s storehouse of good things to give to a lost and lonely soul? Who knows, your fresh idea might trigger an antidote for their life!

A few examples are listed here, but add your own thoughts and ideas to the list.

1) Take a depressed friend for a day out, or order lunch for the two of you and take it to their home to share it together.

2) Invite a lonely friend to share in your own family’s holiday celebration. They may not come, but at least they will have felt included.




Whatever you do, do it with the love of Jesus as your source. You can’t go wrong when you listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and include Him in your plans.

If you are the person who is hurting or lonely, encouraging another hurting or lonely friend can be the best therapy you could ask for. Try it, and see what the Holy Spirit does in YOU. And when you give hope and encouragement to others, you take being a survivor to a whole new level!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am so thankful that you care deeply about me and my needs, as well as all hurting people everywhere. I want to be a survivor, and today I choose to be a survivor. I want to be an encourager to others, and I ask your Holy Spirit to guide me as I develop a plan to reach out and help someone else. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.


A note from the author: You do know that God is always moving us forward in life and in knowing Him—right? It’s a wonderful journey, especially when we anticipate the powerful Holy Spirit working in us. This lesson is packed full of good things—the very things you have been looking for. So, let’s get started! ~ Sarah Jane

1.  Finding a Place of Freedom

To give us a point of reference for this chapter, think about a family secret, situation, or controversy in your own family that has never been discussed in a gathering of family members. But now it is being addressed. Can you for a moment sense the strain on everyone attending? In my book I called it, “opening a can of worms that no one wanted to open.”

Have you ever been a part of such a gathering? ______________

When: __________________________________________________________

Record below what was the subject of your meeting?



Perhaps because I was the youngest cousin in the group and I had called the meeting, it felt as though the air was so thick I could slice it with a knife. I was so nervous that I forgot to locate the outline I had carefully prepared to guide me through the meeting. So, I had to wing it. Yet, what happened next was nothing short of a miracle.

If I have one favorite sentence in my entire book, it is the one located at the bottom of Page 15: “It seemed as though a dam had broken and pent-up water gushed forth across a newly opened pathway.”

God was there and He never left. It was God Himself who created that pathway for these cousins to open up their hearts and allow their seventy-year-old pain to find its way to freedom. Let’s be honest: How many of us need for God to show us a pathway to freedom for our pain? Aren’t our tired and weary hearts ready for relief from this heavy load? Answer this question as honestly as possible: Are you now willing to face your pain?  Circle one: I am willing or I am not willing.

2.  How We Cope with Our Pain

When it comes to pain, we humans have a vast array of ways that we cope with it. Here are just some examples.

A. Some people hold on to their pain because they fear letting go of the pain means they didn’t love their lost loved one as much. This approach is very real and active in the lives of many people. Do you know people who have taken this approach to their pain?


B. I have come across people who actually say, “I don’t want to get over this pain, so thank you very much, but I’ll just keep it!” Do you know someone who may not admit this out loud, but their actions seem to support this approach?


C. There are people who have lost a loved one, or lost arms, legs, eyes, etc. in an accident, or are diagnosed with a debilitating disease, and they refuse to let go of their pain because they believe that suffering is their lot in life. Do you know anyone like this and how does it make you feel when you are around them?



I am certain there are more approaches to pain than the three mentioned above. Yet the truth of the matter as stated in the Chapter 1 Study Guide is this: God has a pathway for all sufferers to find freedom from their pain.

Freedom from the pain in our wounded and broken hearts can belong to us, but we will likely have to give up something in order to gain that freedom. Here are a few things we might have to turn loose of, but see if you can add others to the list:

1) An unhealthy mindset

2) False teaching

3) Lack of knowledge about God

4) Self-pity

5) ______________________________________________________________

6) ______________________________________________________________

7) ______________________________________________________________

8) ______________________________________________________________

3.  Discovering God’s Pathway to Freedom

Our focus scripture for this lesson is one of the greatest, most powerful, and best loved passages in the entire Bible. Let’s read Luke 4:16-21.

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,

Because He has anointed Me

To preach the gospel to the poor;

He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to the captives

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To set at liberty those who are oppressed;

19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

20 Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 21 And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Here we find Jesus at the very onset of His ministry going to the synagogue in His own hometown—Nazareth. He introduced Himself to the audience as being the Messiah and then spelled out for them precisely what He came to earth to do. Can’t you just hear Him declaring to them: “It is done! It has already been accomplished! Today! Now! You don’t have to wait any longer!”

WOW! What mighty and powerful words from the ONE who cannot lie!

4.  Are Jesus’ Words True or Not?

Unquestionably there were people in the synagogue the day Jesus announced that He was the Messiah who had doubts about what He said. After all, many of them had known Him for His entire life, including His own brothers and sisters. I’m certain it was shocking news to most everyone. Only time would tell if what He said was true, but Jesus didn’t doubt for one second. He knew exactly who He was and what He could do. Yet in time, each person in that audience would have to decide for themselves if they believed His words or not.  

Now let’s think about all the different scenarios we discussed back in Section 2 above—people dealing with all sorts of situations, untold consequences, unhealthy reactions, devastating accidents and losses of life and love. And if we look closer at the words of Jesus, we will discover that every person, all of them, can be found in Luke 4, Verse 18! Read that verse again. They are all there. They are all covered. There is not one person that is left without a pathway to freedom from their pain! Hallelujah!

What happens with each person grieving a loss of life or love today is exactly like each person listening to Jesus that day in the synagogue. Their outcome depends on whether or not they believe Jesus is who He said He is and that He can do what He said He can do. What about you? Do you believe Him?


If you are not sure what you believe about Jesus, just answer “I don’t know” and then write any questions you may have about Him here:



For those who believe, it will be a glorious day when they are set free from their pain to return to life, love, and wholeness again! That is God’s good plan for each of us. They will no longer let fear hold them in their pain, because Jesus healed their broken hearts. They will no longer choose pain over joy because Jesus set the captives free. They will no longer believe suffering is their lot in life because Jesus liberated those who were oppressed.

The most important question for you to answer is: Am I willing to give up my pain? Be honest with yourself, and circle one:  I am willing  or  I am not willing.

I hope each of you were able to say “I am willing,” because finding freedom from pain is the very journey you and I are going to take in this Bible Study. If you responded “I am not willing,” I pray that God will give you the strength to let go of your pain sometime during this study.

If you have a friend who needs to hear this good news about freedom from pain, why not share it with them today and invite them to take this Bible Study along with you! There is a place on the website to leave a comment right below the title of each lesson. If the lesson came to your email inbox, the comment button is directly below the last line of the text in this post. Please feel free to comment and I will respond to all comments.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing me face to face with my pain. I truly want to be willing to face it and to give it up. Show me what is hindering me from finding the pathway to freedom that you have designed especially for me. I claim and declare Luke 4:18 as my personal verse. I want to live again, love again, and enjoy life again. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.  


A note from the Author: This is the first Bible Study Guide for my book, There Is Life after Tragedy. We start with the Introduction in the very front of the book. I trust you will enjoy the content below and become expectant for what God has in store for all who choose to travel this road to recovery. Welcome aboard! ~ Sarah Jane

1.  Family Secrets

It is no secret that every person has his or her own viewpoint. A good example is found in Henri Nouwen’s book, The Return of the Prodigal Son, where he uses Rembrandt’s famous painting to describe the characters in the Bible Story found in Luke 15:20-32. Take a minute to Google Rembrandt’s painting Return of the Prodigal Son and look at it closely. You will see that there are five different characters, and unsurprisingly, five different viewpoints: the prodigal son, the older brother, the father, and two bystanders. Just as a quick exercise, see if you can identify different viewpoints in your own family’s story or controversy.



What might be the benefits of seeing viewpoints other than your own?



2.  Our Story vs. God’s Story

What might you do to ensure that you are making an accurate evaluation or comparison?




3.  Recognizing God’s Plan

God’s loving and intricate dealings with His children will be covered in detail later in this study, but they can basically be defined as: He brings us out—in order to bring us in. He desires to bring you out of one thing, so He can bring you into something better. Fill in your answers below of what God might want to bring you into based on the following hard things:

1) Out of loss, into ______________________________________

2) Out of pain, into ______________________________________

3) Out of grief, into ______________________________________

4) Out of emptiness, into __________________________________

God never has a plan to harm us. That is always the work of Satan. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” One thing we must never do is to accuse God falsely. He is always good! Always!

How can you build your faith to believe that God is for you and not against you? __________________________________________________________________


(Example: Track your prayers to see how God is performing His Word in your life.)

4.  Expectations   

A.  Identify below what you would like to gain from this Bible study.



B.  Before starting this study, did you believe God can and does use our losses to help others walk through hard times?  Yes ____ No _____

5.  God’s Family

There is Life After Tragedy is basically a book about the author’s family. Yet, the goal of this Bible Study is to learn more about God’s family and how He interacts with them. If we look at the Bible as a whole from beginning to end, it is basically a book about God’s family—and that includes US!

Let’s look at Acts 17:28 ~ “For in Him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said ‘We are His offspring.’”

Did you know before now that you were God’s offspring? If not, how might this piece of new knowledge impact your life going forward? __________________________________________________________________


If you already knew this piece of knowledge, how might being more aware of God’s goodness to His own children help you maneuver future difficult circumstances, including tragic ones?



Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am excited to be right here, right now starting this exciting Bible Study. I know your Word has insights for me that the world cannot give, and I look forward with expectation to all you want to show me and teach me. Make me teachable and receptive to your Holy Spirit as He guides my heart and my mind through this study. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

To print this lesson on 8 1/2 x 11 paper from the Website, simply highlight the entire study guide you want to print by using a right click; leave your cursor in the highlighted portion, and use a left click to bring up the menu; then select print.

NOTE: This free Bible Study Guide is based on the book, There Is Life after Tragedy, by Sarah Jane Kellogg. The Study Guide goes hand-in-hand with the chapters in the book. To purchase a copy, go to www.sarahjanekellogg.com and click on the “BUY THE BOOK” tab. Clicking on the link there will take you to Amazon. Cost is $13.95.

In a World Gone Amuck!

“This world has gone amuck,” was a phrase that came to mind as I prayed for my nation during my morning walk with God. Amuck means to behave in a wild, frenzied, uncontrolled, and unrestrained manner. In short, it means: berserk!

In case you haven’t noticed, we live in a world that has gone berserk!

There seems to be no rhyme nor reason for the destruction going on in many American cities. Policemen are shot point-blank while sitting in their cars, just because they are policemen. The word is called “lawlessness,” and we are clearly told that lawlessness is a sign of the end times.

I have recently ordered three books on the subject…and all three say the same thing. On Sunday I watched my favorite television preachers…and all three said the same thing. I communicated with several friends last week…and all three said the same thing. I told one of them that I’d see her in the rapture. Her response was: “Grab my hand on the way up!” I smile as I think of the nearness of that possibility.

Are we listening? Are you listening?

This is what I heard from writers, preachers, friends, and family members that I respect: We are living in the last of the last days when Jesus Christ will return to earth to gather His people. According to the signs that define this hour as clearly laid out in the Bible,1 it is this time. Everything is in place. Everything points to the next big event on the world stage to be the return of Jesus for His church. And this next big attraction is coming soon!

Remember when we were kids and we played hide and seek?  The person who was doing the seeking would hide their eyes, count to ten, and then holler out, “Ready or not, here I come!”

Could that be Jesus’ words to us—the residents of the world in 2020, during this strange season with everything about life turned upside down: “Ready or not, here I come!”

Oh, dear readers, please be sure you are ready for Christ’s return! If you think this world is gone amuck and berserk right now, it can’t compare to what it will be when the Holy Spirit of God, dwelling in the hearts of believers, is removed from this world. When believers leave here in the rapture of the church, the Holy Spirit goes with them.

A lawlessness will be unleased that the world has never known. What we see on our television screens today will seem like child’s play. Amuck and berserk will take on new meaning as the Anti-Christ is unleashed while no longer hindered by the church and the Holy Spirit. The Bible says in those days that men’s hearts will fail them because of fear.

If you have a cell phone, a television, a computer, or any other device with the ability to inform you what is going on in this current day, even now reading my blog, you can never say that you didn’t know what was happening. No excuse will hold up in God’s court that claims you couldn’t get prepared for the upcoming events because you didn’t know what was happening.

It is here! The Bible tells Christians that when you see these things happening, then look up for your redemption is near! What things? The things that are happening this very day: Lawlessness; deception; peace accords! It is near, my dear readers, it is here! (Luke 21:28)

If your heart feels disturbed because you are not sure if you are ready for this hour, then do something about it. Talk to God. It’s not too late! Ask Him to show you what you must do to be ready for His coming.

You have many options—call a Christian friend or co-worker; find a pastor; call a church; call a TV ministry helpline; call a Christian parent or grandparent; leave me a comment on my blog. God has many, many helpers waiting to help YOU find HIM!

All you have to do is reach for help, and God will meet you in this moment of need and insecurity. He longs for you to call out to Him. His desire that no one be lost is the very reason for the delay of Christ’s return.2

Apart from God there is NO peace in a world gone amuck! And this world has unquestionably gone amuck! ~ Janie

1Matthew 24:1-51; Luke 21:7-36; 1 Thessalonians 4:13 thru 5:11

22 Peter 3:9


Another Spiritual Dream ~ What Does It Mean?

I have never put much emphasis on spiritual dreams, mostly because I never had any—until a year ago when I dreamed about the rapture of the church.1  But a few months ago, I had yet another spiritual dream. I knew instantly it was from the Lord and had meaning I should not ignore. I’m sure some will think I’m weird or ate too much Tex-Mex for dinner. Still, I feel the message is too important not to share.


In this dream, I was in a familiar place with no cause for alarm. My twelve-year-old granddaughter was with me in what I believed to be a safe place. However, I began to notice a questionable force moving toward me; and within seconds I knew I was in trouble. As I tried to fight off the attacker, I discovered that I had little strength. I kept saying to myself, “Why don’t I have any power? Where has my strength gone?”


When I saw an opportunity to run outside the building, I did. I ran as hard as I could—again questioning why I had such little strength. I finally stopped to catch my breath, looked back, and saw that the pursuer was not following me. It was in that moment when a gut-wrenching realization came to me—I had left my granddaughter behind. She was now in the presence of the attacker and I was not there to help her. At that point, I woke up with my heart pounding inside my chest.


There was no small stir in me, and immediately I ask the Lord what the dream meant. God was faithful to reveal its meaning. I will attempt to relate that meaning to you by addressing the different components of the dream.


First, the familiar place in the dream is reflective of the modern-day church as a whole, not singling out any group, church or denomination. What I thought was a safe place was actually not safe; but because it was familiar to me, I was oblivious to the danger. This speaks of where the modern-day church is in relation to our nation’s declining culture. For any of us who have lived in the 21st Century, we should clearly know by now that some organizations and institutions we once thought safe for our children, are actually not safe at all.


We have been tolerant of accepting the ways of the world into our own church culture. In short, we have become worldly. We have been lulled by years of complacency and trusted ourselves to hierarchical systems that tell us what we should read and believe. We no longer know how to hear from God for ourselves. We rarely, if ever, hear sin preached against from modern-day pulpits—but rather how to have the happiest life possible while on our way to heaven.


Secondly, my granddaughter represents the next generationsour children and grandchildren. They are right there with us. They are watching us and trusting our judgment. They believe we are doing what is in their best interest. And why shouldn’t they? The teachings and programs of the church have worked for us, why wouldn’t it work for them? The next generation has no clue whether it is safe or not, and sadly, they have not been taught to seek God for themselves.


As Christians, we find ourselves in this vulnerable situation because we have been asleep. We refuse to hear any doctrine except our brand. We criticized the movement of God in any group other than our own, thereby offending the Holy Spirit. As a result, we have lost our strength, and we wonder where it has gone. The culture around us has declined to a dangerous point, and because we participate in group-think mentality—we are confident that our group is okay. Of course, we know what God wants, and of course, we have correct doctrine. We refuse to look outside our religious box to see where we are and what is happening around us.


As current events rock our world with a pandemic, a faltering economy, protests and lawlessness flowing into our homes through our television sets, we could think this is the end-time shaking the Bible speaks about. “This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain.” (Hebrews 12:27, NLT) I suspect that “all” includes modern-day churches and modern-day denominations.


If we believe this describes the day in which we live, perhaps it is time to pray: “God, have I been asleep? What do You want to say to me and show me during this time? What about my life is out of sync with You and Your Word? Have I been guilty of group-think and not sought You and You alone? In these unusual and critical days, give me eyes to see and ears to hear. For the sake of my children—wake me up!”


Rest assured, those are words our Heavenly Father longs to hear from His complacent children. But don’t take my word for it. Ask Him for yourself. Lean in closely to hear His voice. Allow the Holy Spirit to rend your heart. At that point, a good old-fashioned time of repentance might be in order. You know, that word we have dismissed as non-essential for the church—R.E.P.E.N.T.


God’s message is clear. A good place to begin is 2 Chronicles 7:14. That four-step pathway to God is something we all can do: humble ourselves, pray, seek, and turn. And, if the leaders of your group/church/denomination tell you that you don’t have to repent of your sins or seek God for yourself, you should probably check things out. And if you decide to run, remember to take your children with you. ~ Janie Kellogg

1“What Has Happened to the Rapture of the Church” at www.TreasureinEarthenVessels.net.

When There Are No Words

[Dedicated to Drew Wright, a true soldier of the cross, who in his darkest moments and deepest sorrow gave glory to God.]


The saying “There are no words” grips my heart. I don’t use it lightly. To me it is an expression of deeper pain than the little inconveniences of life can bring. I did use it recently though, in the days following Christmas Day 2017. An event occurred that brought such deep wounding to my soul that there was nothing else to say.


By all accounts it seemed to be a normal Christmas for Susan and Bill Wright, friends of my family for over 30 years. Since they were expecting their first grandchild, it was sure to be a memorable one as well. What could be more joyous in this joy-filled time of the year than the anticipation of a new baby? Friends rejoiced with them as they waited and celebrated life at every stage.


Their son, Drew, and his beautiful wife, Shannon, were 32 weeks pregnant with Baby Asa James. He was already held tightly in their hearts, but it would be a little longer before they could hold him in their arms. Shannon’s parents had moved from another state to live closer to their first grandchild as well. The entire family was entirely prepared to welcome this special little guy into their lives.


Yet, three days after Christmas something went terribly wrong. There had been no way to prepare for the events that would unfold over the next five days. Drew’s first message on Facebook on December 29th stunned readers:


“Yesterday morning was the hardest day of my life. My best friend and bride, Shannon, passed from this life and entered heaven. We don’t know all the details, but Shannon became unresponsive and was transferred by ambulance to the hospital. She never regained consciousness, but gave birth by C-Section to Asa James Wright.”


The tragic news shocked family, friends, and members of the church where Drew serves as Student Pastor. As the story spread on social media, hundreds and perhaps thousands of Christians began to pray for the family and especially Baby Asa, as his tiny body clung to life. The next Facebook report was a request from Drew:


“Asa is the most beautiful thing and looks just like his momma. Asa is in critical condition and is being treated by doctors for his best chance at survival. I humbly but boldly ask that you would pray. Pray for Claudia and Todd as they lost their daughter, pray for Clayton and Lindsey as they lost their sibling. Pray for my family as Shannon was the daughter and sister they’ve always wanted. Pray for me. I am hurting and broken, but I know God is good. Lastly, pray for a miracle for Baby Asa. He needs our Big God to show up in a big way.”


During the next few days, friends and family surrounded Drew and his infant son with support, comfort and prayers. Because of the Internet, I was aware of what was happening to my friends. A picture of Baby Asa’s tiny body connected to high-tech medical devices with tubes and tape was difficult to take in; yet many prayer partners helped bear the burden of brokenness and grief.


More questions than answers filled our hearts as we continued to call upon God for a miracle. How could this be happening? How will this young man survive such sorrow? How can he declare that God is good in the midst of sheer heartbreak? Is there any purpose anywhere in this tragedy?


On December 31st, Drew’s closest friend and co-worker, Cody Brumley, spoke for many hurting souls:


“In the mighty wake of hurt, we do not seek God’s deliverance from it…we seek God’s presence in it. We run to God bleeding, broken, confused, in disbelief…because nowhere else can we be comforted, answered, loved, and pieced together.”


With each report the heart-wrenching pain grew worse. Another picture showed Drew’s youth group praying and calling out to God in behalf of their leader. A part of me wanted to pull away and know less about this tragedy, yet my efforts to protect myself were futile. We are a body—the body of Christ—and when a part of us hurts, the whole body hurts.


Later that same day, the family was told that the doctors had done all they could for Baby Asa and that they would begin to focus on an end-of-life plan. Once again, Drew informed his prayer partners:


“We still hope for a miracle, but are coming to grips that this may be God’s outcome. Specifically pray that Asa’s short life will have an ongoing ripple effect for the sake of the gospel and God’s goodness in the midst of tragedy.”


A picture surfaced on January 2nd that caused me to finally utter the phrase: There are no words. Drew held Asa close to his heart while others encircled him, laying their hands on his shoulders as he prayed and dedicated his baby son to God. He described those moments like this:


“Today we got to be together to celebrate and dedicate Asa James to the Lord and his story to the glory of God. Sometime in the near future he will most likely breathe his last breath, but in the midst of hurt and pain and questions and fear, I am filled with joy—joy unspeakable that has no words, but just is living in me. God, only you know the impact this young man’s story will have and we trust you with that. God, I trust in you through all of this. I know that Shannon is getting to be what she was designed and destined to be—to be a mom. And today I am thankful for that. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and continued prayers for me, my family, and this community. Pray that God will use this as only He can….”


Drew’s prayer reminds me of a prayer by another young man, who facing something so painful and indescribable, prayed “Nevertheless, not My will, but Thine be done.” Just like his Savior, Drew yielded to the Father’s greater plan. For it is there in the place of surrender, that true joy—the joy he spoke of—can be found.


The following day, January 3, 2018, Asa James Wright slipped away from us and entered heaven where he is held safe in the arms of Jesus and his adoring mom.


When the family announced that a memorial service for Shannon and Asa was to be held the following Saturday, my heart pondered how they would prepare for such an event. The sorrow seemed too deep—the wounds too raw. The faith of many, including my own, had been tested. Would the faith of many stand and not fail?


As I prayed for my friends about what the next few days held for them, the Holy Spirit took me on a journey down memory’s lane. You see, there had been a time in my own life when tragedy had robbed me and my family of a loved one. We too had felt the pain, the emptiness, and the confusion that comes when a loved one is snatched away too soon. In that moment I heard His gentle whisper:


“It was in those dark days when it felt like you were living in a dream and not knowing where you were or how you’d get through the next day or the next hour, when you needed a strength much greater than you own, that something supernatural showed up and carried you.”


Oh, how well I remember what my sweet Jesus had done for me in those dark days. For when there are no words, there is grace.


His grace had held me up. His grace had strengthened me. His grace had gotten me through that dark valley and carried me safely to the other side. I instantly knew that He would do it for my friends as well. And He’s likely done for you, too.


Jesus promises to comfort us in our sorrows, to heal our broken hearts, and to give us peace that passes understanding, if we will trust Him. His Word has never failed His followers and it never will. And so we trust. ~ Janie Kellogg


‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,

Just to take Him at His Word.

Just to know that He has promised,

Just to know “Thus saith the Lord.”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!

How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;

Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus,

Oh, for grace to trust Him more! ~ Louisa R. M. Stead



Asking for Overs ~ New Year’s Day 2017

“Oh, how I wish I could write like her,” I whispered to the Lord as I turned out the light. “My journals are full of the same stuff. Why can’t I write so people will read it?”

I had just read a few choice lines from Ann VosKamp’s new book The Broken Way to my husband, explaining that every sentence is so insightful I must stop and process it before I can move on. He had agreed.

As I settled down under the bedcovers, the Holy Spirit spoke one of those profound things to my heart:

“Not many people read books, but everyone reads lives. It’s not that I need more people writing the message—I need more people living the message.”

Ouch! My toes felt the divine crush.

I awoke early the next morning, and the dialog with the Holy continued.

“This is what many of My children do with the gifts I give to them—be it writing, singing, teaching, preaching, serving—you name it. They focus on the gift rather than the Giver.”

Ouch! Again.

Guilty as charged. It was true. I had made the gift (or talent) God had given me about me. I had attempted to enhance my gift, develop it, grow it, market it, and if the opportunity had arisen, I’m sure I would have sold it. The Giver pushed aside to make room for the gift.

He directed me to the Mount of Transfiguration story.1 There it was in plain sight how Peter immediately switched to the “it’s about me mode.” Jesus had been transformed right before his eyes, and Moses and Elijah showed up to boot—a marvelous display of God’s power and glory. Yet, the event soon became about Peter—where he was, how he felt, and what he could do to make this moment better.

Here is Matthew’s telling of what happened: “Then Peter began to speak and said to Jesus: Lord, it is good and delightful that we are here; if you approve, I will put up three booths, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

How do you improve on that display of majestic mystery? That brush with the Eternal?

God gives gifts to His children for the purpose of drawing us closer to Himself, just as He did Peter. He wants us to see His magnificent glory and power so we can tell others about Him. He desires an intimate relationship with us, where we continually communion with Him, depending on Him to enable and anoint our gift for His purpose—reaching the world with His message.

Yet, like Peter, we soon make it about us. Our excitement takes over and ideas flood our mind about how we can make it g-r-e-a-t! Forget waiting on the Holy Spirit to direct our gift toward God’s purpose. The way we see it: God gave it, but we can take it from here.

How often do we offend the Holy Spirit by adding our humanness to a divine gift? Jesus said: “…the Son can do nothing by himself.”2 So how is it we think we can?

Making the gift our focus interferes with our intimacy with the Giver. Rather than seeing His glory, His power, His offer to operate through us, we envision all we can do for God with this gift. Instead of drawing us closer to Him, it pulls us away from Him. Our time and energy goes toward working the gift. Even prayer time centers on planning for the use of our gift. Intimacy is out the window; so is faith and trust.

I wonder if God ever wishes He hadn’t given us that gift in the first place.

Have you been thinking lately that your gift isn’t working like it used to? Are the results not what you’d hoped for? Has the freshness and anointing slipped away? Is it more a job than a joy? Perhaps you have even begun to doubt your gift?

Maybe we should ask ourselves this question: “How’s my intimacy with God?” If the answer is cold, lacking, or non-existent, then we shouldn’t expect our gift to work either.

So what can we do? Can we have overs? Perhaps.

Can we make our gift about the Giver and not about us? Maybe.

Can we allow it to draw us closer to Him rather than draw us away from Him? Not sure.

Can we let our intimacy with Him override our desire to do our own thing? I don’t know.

Is God a giver of second chances—and third—and fourth—and fifth? Definitely!

I don’t know about you, but I am asking for overs. As this New Year floods in, I see a fresh opportunity to handle my God-given gift differently.

Let’s brace ourselves, breath in some grace, and begin again. Isn’t that what a New Year is all about? Like the beginning of a new day!


Dear Jesus, I bring this gift back to you. Please forgive me for what I’ve made it. Sanctify it anew, burn out the dross, remove the humanness I’ve added, and purity it for your purpose. May it be used for your glory in 2017, not mine.  ~ Janie Kellogg

1Matthew 17:1-8 (AMP) 2John 10:19 (NIV)

How Much of the Holy Spirit Do You Have?

How much of the Holy Spirit do you have? Interesting question, huh?  Especially since some people believe that Christians either have “it” or they don’t have “it.” Wrong!

First of all, “it” is not an “it.” The Holy Spirit is a Person and is best referred to as “He.” This often-misunderstood member of the Holy Trinity has a personality, a purpose, and a plan. He has feelings, desires, and reasons for what He does or doesn’t do. He has assignments from the Father, gifts to deliver to believers, and a mission on earth. He was sent by Jesus, as a promise given to the earliest disciples and extended to every disciple since. And that promise, my friend, is to indwell every person who becomes a believer in Jesus Christ.

The question as to whether or not all true believers have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them is answered in Romans 8:9 “…And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.” Therefore, we can conclude that every person who is born-again has the Holy Spirit dwelling in him from the time of conversion, or else he hasn’t been born-again.

From that amazing first encounter with the Holy Spirit, we can begin to grow up into Christ because we now have a personal teacher to guide us into all truth. His goal is to eventually transform us into the image of Jesus Himself; however, His ability to do so is directly helped or hindered by our willingness to cooperate with Him. When we cooperate with our Indwelling Houseguest, we grow quickly. When we do not cooperate—well, not so much!

I think a better question, be it in 6 months after conversion, 6 years, or 60 years, is not how much of the Holy Spirit do you have, but how much of you does the Holy Spirit have? You see, the Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and He does not overpower us and take away our freewill. He occupies only the territory of our lives that we freely and willingly yield to Him. He will control only what we allow Him to control.

That explains why we sometimes see what should be mature Christians no further advanced than newborn Christians. They have given the Holy Spirit very little control of their lives. They continue to sit at the helm and steer their ship where they want to go, with little thought as to where the Holy Spirit wants to take them.

There has been much teaching on how to be blessed by the Holy Spirit, experience His presence, and enjoy His gifts; yet, very little on how to yield our lives over to His complete control. Unfortunately, the church of today is mostly obsessed with the gifts and experiences, and we remain untrained in how to relinquish that control to Him. There is a widely believed misconception that the Holy Spirit is here to bless us, and at the same time, we get to keep our besetting sins. The problem is—that doesn’t line up with the Holy Spirit’s mission on earth.

Hudson Taylor, the famous missionary to China, used the term “the exchanged life” for the giving up of his life for the Christ-life. In other words, Taylor gave up what he wanted for what the Holy Spirit wanted, and died to the self that we all inherited from Adam and Eve. Of course, that sounds rather foreign to our modern-day easy-believe-ism teachings, wouldn’t you say?

This excerpt from Taylor’s writings clearly depicts a life that has been yielded up to the control of the Holy Spirit: “I am no longer anxious about anything, as I realize this; for He, I know, is able to carry out His will, and His will is mine. It makes no matter where He places me, or how. That is rather for Him to consider than for me….”

So, how much of the Holy Spirit do you and I have? We have an amount equal to the area of our inner being that we have currently yielded to the Holy Spirit’s control—that much, and no more.  The Apostle Paul’s words in Ephesians 5:18 say to be filled with the Spirit, implying that we can be partially filled, completely filled, or somewhere in between. So, which is it—a little, some, or filled?

Next, we will discuss being full of the Holy Spirit—what it looks like and how we can get there. ~ Janie Kellogg

1Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor, Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret, Moody Publishers, Chicago, IL, 2009, Pg. 165

Do I Have What It Takes to Tell the World that God’s Not Dead?

I am keenly aware that many denominations have different views on how and when believers are filled with the Holy Spirit. I will leave the doctrinal arguments to the great theologians. However, I think that unless we address some portion of this issue for ourselves, we may miss the very power Christ intended for us to have—that is, the power to live out this life as a true follower of Jesus.

This quote by Jim Cymbala is worth considering: “Is it not time for all of us to do some soul searching and ask ‘Is my life characterized by the power of God being manifested through me by the Holy Spirit so that people will know that God’s not dead?’”

Soul searching—a searching of my soul—to evaluate whether or not I have what it takes to express to the world that God is alive. The only way I can do that is to look at the behavior and the fruits of my life. Do I act like Jesus? Do I look like Jesus? Are the fruits of my life anything like the fruits of His life?

If we study the first disciples of Jesus, we will find they were not much like Him at all—that is until the Holy Spirit arrived on the scene. They were selfish and sought to be the greatest; they slept when He told them to stay awake; Peter lied and denied the Lord; Thomas was full of doubt; they were all cowards—fleeing when the going got tough. What we see are regular human beings, who loved Jesus and wanted to be like Him, but didn’t have the power to do so.

Then the Holy Spirit came and we see very different disciples—now willing to stand on the street corner and preach the gospel, risking their lives to tell the world about the wonderful life-changing salvation they had received. They went to jail, endured threatening, beatings, and eventually death for their Savior. So something happened to them, regardless of how, when or where it happened.

Looking at the earlier version of followers, we don’t see much of anything that manifests power. Yet, looking at those same followers after the Holy Spirit came—we see much power. Things began to happen; people received their message and thousands were saved; others were miraculously healed; in fact, these same disciples were accused of filling Jerusalem with their doctrine!

So what about my life—does anyone see much power coming from me? Some receive my message, but few get saved; no one has been healed, and I’ve never been accused of filling my city with my doctrine. But there has to be some evidence somewhere. It seems in my best interest to examine whether or not I have received the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised—somehow, some way, and at some time!

Laying all doctrinal questions aside of when, where, and how—the question I should be concerned about is this: Do I have what it takes to tell the world that God’s not dead?

If we dare, a trip to the examination table might reveal if, in fact, we have received the Holy Spirit. Some folks in Acts 19:2 said, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.” I fear this could also be the answer from some Jesus followers today. The controversial subject of the Holy Spirit is not taught, talked about, or even mentioned in many churches. He is often ignored, misunderstood, or taken for granted. Unfortunately, those are the very reasons we see so little of His power in our lives and in our churches.

This story about Dwight L. Moody, in his early days of ministry, speaks to this issue. He was somewhat successful, yet his ministry was hindered. He drew crowds, but had few results. He tells that one day he came out of a service in New York and was getting into a carriage to go to another service when an old man with white, wind-blown hair called out to him. The old man put his bony finger in Moody’s face and said, “Young man, when you speak again, honor the Holy Ghost!” It was about six months before God revealed to him what the old man had meant by those words—that he was entirely dependent upon the Holy Spirit. He said, “I seldom stand before a great audience where I don’t see that old man, with his outstretched finger, and hear his voice, “Honor the Holy Ghost.” And we know the rest of the story—Moody went on to be one of the most powerful preachers America has ever known.1

Let us ask ourselves: Do we have the Holy Spirit? Do we know what it means to honor the Holy Spirit? What difference does it make, if any? Does it have anything to do with how much the Holy Spirit is manifested through our lives?” Ah ha, some soul searching is in order, don’t you think? ~ Janie Kellogg

1V. Raymond Edman, They Found the Secret, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 1960, Pg. 100

How Much Do I Know About the Holy Spirit?

I have spent the summer of 2016 studying and teaching on the topic of the Holy Spirit. I knew that our Helper had many names and functions, but I had to ask myself honestly, “How much do I know about the Holy Spirit? I boldly told God that, if needed, He had my permission to hit the delete button on all I already knew and teach me afresh about this amazing Third Person of the Trinity. Today, I stand in awe as to how little I knew about Him previously.

You may think the delete button a bit drastic, but the more I studied, the more I became convinced that much of my teaching had been merely the interpretation and opinions of others who thought they had the Holy Spirit figured out. Some even thought they had a corner on Him, and honestly, that’s impossible! He is an amazing free-Spirit and no one is going to put Him in their narrow-minded doctrinal box of any size or shape.

I gleaned many treasures on this subject from the books and DVD studies by Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle in Brooklyn, NY. Other insights have been gained from the works of R. T. Kendall, theologian and author of Holy Fire; and of course, from the many works of one of my favorite writers, Andrew Murray. Of recent, I re-discovered The Message, which is a paraphrasing translation by Eugene Peterson, whose contemporary language has unlocked old truths in understandable language. I must not forget my close companion, the Amplified Bible. Some days I simply sit and weep as I read from these works about familiar words now rendered new and fresh like water from a cool, clear stream.

How has this message been hidden from us for so long? Why hasn’t this essential understanding been granted before? What baffles me the most is why so many denominations have ignored this subject, or more importantly the Helper entirely. Get it? H-e-l-p-e-r! Ah, now you see my point—the one who helps us! Jesus described His sending the Helper so critical that He told His disciples not to leave Jerusalem without Him—the Helper, that is!

I think I have a pretty good idea who might be behind the strategy to keep God’s followers away from the one thing that can help them: Satan, himself. What better way to stop the spread of the Gospel than to hide from them the truth about the Helper? Yet, the pure unadulterated truth is that I need help and lots of it! And Jesus knew that. As my dearest lifelong friend said recently in our weekly ladies Bible Study, “He took care of everything we would need before He left us and went back to heaven.” That is a true statement if I’ve ever heard one.

I plan to share with you some of what I’ve learned on this summer’s journey. I’ve spoken at two Women’s Retreats during the summer months, and God lead me to teach on the Holy Spirit at both of them. Is it perhaps time for us as the Body of Christ to embrace God’s plan to empower us for the work He has assigned to us before Jesus returns? I think so. In my heart of hearts I believe that there has never been a day in our lifetime in which the Helper was so desperately needed. This is that day. Read Matthew 24 if you wonder what “day” I speak of.

I used this slide in my teaching throughout the summer. Might it be your prayer too?


I’m wondering if some of you feel that same need for His help. Maybe you too think that He has never clearly been explained to you, that so much about Him is uncharted territory, or misconstrued rhetoric. Perhaps you would even now ask yourself, “How much do I know about the Holy Spirit?”

Doesn’t some cool, clear water from the spring of living water sound refreshing about now? If so, stay tuned. My prayer is that together God will lead us to a mighty source of truth and encouragement in our confused and thirsty world. I’m praying this will be an amazing stretch of our journey together.  ~ Janie Kellogg